George, R. and Malesky, E. (2025) (forthcoming, book chapter) "The Limitations of “Political Will”: Understanding the Drivers of Anticorruption Reform” in Corruption, Anti-corruption and Democracy in Asia.
George, R. (2024) "Global Competency as National Security: Exploring the Global Affairs Education/Security Nexus." Orbis, Volume 68, No. 4. (Free PDF available here)
George, R. (2023) "Merging Development and Diplomacy: What Might the U.S. Learn?" The Washington Quarterly, Volume 46, No. 3.
George, R. (2020) “The Impact of International Human Rights Law Ratification on Local Discourses on Rights: The Case of CEDAW in Al Anba Reporting in Kuwait,” Human Rights Review, Vol. 21 pp. 43-64.
Mazzilli, C., Eglen, L., George, R., Rodriguez, D.J.T., Bebasari, P. and Samuels, F. (2023) Modern slavery and adolescence: A rapid evidence review. London: Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence.
Spokojny, D., Scherer, T.L., Bollfrass, A., Lieberman, J., Tama, J., Campbell, S., George, R. (2023) “Can Foreign Policy Decision-Making be Made More Scientific?” ISA Roundtable, Conference Summary.
George, R. (2019) "Dialogue as progress? Islam and UN Human Rights Treaty ratification in the Gulf Cooperation Council states" in The Arab Gulf States and the West: Perceptions and Realities – Opportunities and Perils.
George, R. (2019) “The Impact of International Law on Diplomacy: UN Human Rights Treaty Ratification in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA),” in Lora Wildenthal and Jean Quataerdt (eds.) The Routledge Handbook on the History of Human Rights. [Book awarded Routledge Humanities, Media and Arts Prize]
George, R. (2018) “The Politics of Islamic Law and International Human Rights Law: The Caseof the UN Convention Against Torture (CAT) in the Arab Gulf,” International Journal of Law and Interdisciplinary Legal Studies, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 4-15.
George, R., Hallahan, A. and Payumo, J. (2024) “A Review of Literature Evaluating USAID-Managed Science & Technology Fellowships.” Development Experience Clearing House. USAID Research and Technical Assistance Program (RTAC) in collaboration with University of Chicago, NORC.
Malesky, E. with Lempke, M., George, R. and Storelli, D. (2023) “USAID Learning Activity: Anti-corruption Programming in Low Political Will Contexts.” USAID Research and Technical Assistance Program (RTAC) in collaboration with University of Chicago, NORC.
George, R. and Gulrajani, N. (2023) “Gender and Global Development Finance in a Changing Geopolitical Context: Mapping Threats and Opportunities.” London: ODI. [Part of ODI’s Donors in a Post-Aid World Series].
Spokojny, D., DeWalt, B. and George, R. (2023) “Lifting the Fog at Foggy Bottom: What NASA can teach the U.S. State Department on Knowledge Management,” fp21.
Bebasari, P., Samuels F., and George, R. (2022) “Adolescence and Modern Slavery: Evaluating the evidence,” London: ODI.
George, R. Samman, E., Oja, A., and Washington, K. (2021) “Gender Norms and Women’s Political Participation: Evaluating Progress on the 25th Anniversary of the Beijing Declaration,” London: ODI.
Jimenez Rodriguez, D., George, R., Harper, C (2021) “Mobilising for Change: The Impacts of Global Women’s Social Movements.” ODI/ALIGN [Cited in UNDP Human Development Report spotlight 6.7].
George, R. Torassen, M. and Domingo, P. (2020) “Challenging Violence Against Women in Public Life: State of the Evidence,” Overseas Development Institute.
George, R. and Rivett, J. (2020) “Counterterrorism and Violence Against Children: Priorities for Action and Advocacy.” World Vision / Overseas Development Institute.
El Taraboulsi-McCarthy, S., George, R., Sandhar, J. and Stockman, A.S. (2021) "Protection and Peace in Conflict Affected Contexts: Understanding the Intersections. Overseas Development Institute and Interpeace.
Jimenez Rodriguez, D., George, R., Harper, C (2021) “Mobilising for Change: How Women’s Social Movements are Transforming Gender Norms.” ODI/ALIGN.
El Taraboulsi-McCarthy, S., Foresti, M., George, R., Pinet, M., Pantuliano, S., Gencsu, I., Manservisi, S., “ODI Med: Towards peace and sustainability in the Mediterranean region.” Overseas Development Institute.
George, R. (2021) "A Post COVID-19 Human Rights Agenda." London: ODI.
George, R., Torassen, M., and Domingo, P. (2021) "Challenging Violence Against Women in Public Life." ODI.
George, R. and Rivett, J. (2020) “Counterterrorism and Violence Against Children: Priorities for Action and Advocacy.” World Vision / Overseas Development Institute.
El Taraboulsi-McCarthy, S. and George, R. (2020) “The Gendered Dimensions of Violent Extremism in North Africa: Approaches, Policy and Practice,” UN Women, UN Counter Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (UNCTED). UN Women: Arab States. January.
George, R., Samman, E. et al (2019) "Gender Norms and Women in Politics," ODI/ALIGN, with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
El Taraboulsi-McCarthy, S., Foresti, M., George, R., Pantuliano, S., Gencsu, I., Manservisi, S., “ODI Med: Towards peace and sustainability in the Mediterranean region.” Overseas Development Institute.
Pereznieto, P., Le Masson, V., Marcus, R., George, R. and Jenny Rivett (2019) “Ending Violence Against Children While Addressing the Global Climate Crisis,” Overseas Development Institute. December.
El Taraboulsi-McCarthy, S., George, R. and Pinet, M. (2019) “Countering the Caliphate in North Africa: Three Priorities for Action,” Overseas Development Institute. November.
George, R. with Saeed, M. and Abdelgalil, S. (2019) “Women at the Forefront of Sudan’s Political Transformation,” Overseas Development Institute. November.
McCullough, A. and George, R. (2019) Regional Platform on Gender and Preventing Violent Extremism, Casablanca Report. UN Women. April.
Castillejo, C., Domingo, P., George, R. and O’Connell, S. “Politically Informed Approaches to Gender in Fragile and Conflict Affected Settings,” Overseas Development Institute and Westminster Foundation for Democracy. September.
George, R. (2018) “The Role of the Private Sector in Shifting Social Norms in International Development” (webinar panelist), Overseas Development Institute, 31 October.
Journalism, Interviews & Opinion
George, R. (2025) "Merging USAID and State could make the U.S. Less Secure," Foreign Policy.
George, R. (2024) "The Rise of Gulf Smart Cities," Middle East Program, Woodrow Wilson Center, Middle East Program.
George, R. (2024) "France's New Western Sahara Position Marks a Turning Point in North Africa," Just Security, September 4.
George, R. (2024) "Failures in the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda are Stunting Peace in the Middle East," Woodrow Wilson Center.
George, R. (2023) "The AI Assault on Women: What Iran's Tech Enabled Laws Indicate for Women's Rights Movements." Council on Foreign Relations, Net Politics.
George, R. (2023) Interview on BBC News with Helena Humphrey, The UN Security Council Vote on the Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza, BBC News, December 21.
George, R. (2023) "To Really Help Gaza Not Just Any Cease-fire Will Do," World Politics Review.
George, R. (2023) "How Do Humanitarian Corridors, Cease-Fires, and Pauses Address Violence in Conflict?", CFR Education.
George, R. (2023) “Resolving Sudan’s Crisis Will Require Inclusive Peace,” Council on Foreign Relations,
George, R. (2023) “Does America Have A Summit Syndrome?,” Op-ed in The National Interest.
George, R. (2022) "Sweden's Feminist Foreign Policy Can't be Undone." Foreign Policy.
George, R. (2022) "The U.S. Should Practice What it Preaches on Good Governance," World Politics Review.
George, R. and DeWalt, B. (2022) "The Road to Diversity at the US State Department," fp21.
George, R. (2021) "Why Women's Rights in the Gulf Matter for Afghanistan," E-International Relations
George, R. (2020) “Coronavirus Has Exposed the Need to Reform the United Nations.” Op-ed in The National Interest. September.
• George, R. (2020) "Merging Aid and Diplomacy is Trending - Will the US Follow?" Op-ed in New Global Perspectives.
George, R. (2020) “What Other Sectors Can Show for Women’s Leadership in COVID: Lessons on inclusion from the fields of conflict resolution, security and business.” Op-ed in Think Global Health. [Council on Foreign Relations]. April.
George, R. (2020) quoted in “Sudanese female advocate for Israel relations highlights hope for women,” 25 October, The Jerusalem Post / The Media Line.
George, R. (2020) quoted in “UK-Africa summit ignored gender, climate and poverty concerns experts say,” Devex.
George, R. (2018) "Gender and Violent Extremism: Four Points for Coordinated Action on the C/PVE Agenda", Bond. January.
George, R. (2018) quoted in, “No world to leave our children: progress on women’s rights still lags, shows study,” 7 December, The Guardian.
George, R. (2015) “Where Are All the Women in World Politics?” The Huffington Post.
George, R. (2014) "NGOs Help Women Everywhere, Except in their Own Boardrooms."
George, R. (2014) “Untrustworthy Alliances: Why the NSA Snooping Doesn’t Change a Thing,” The London Globalist.
George, R. (2013) "Syrian Refugees Reach 2 Million as Congressional Hearings Begin."
George, R. (2013) Interview in Women and Foreign Policy.
George, R. (2013) TV interviews: Arise America TV
Citations and Policy Impact Examples
George, R. (2023) article ‘The AI Assault on Women" recommended in the EU’s European Parliament Briefing on AI policy, informing the European Parliament’s agreement on responsible AI, 13 December (p. 1).
George, R. (2023) article ‘The AI Assault on Women" cited in new book Nexus, authored by NYT Bestselling Author Yuval Noah Harari (Footnote 30)
George, R. (2024) research cited in RAND Europe's NATO Enlargement Amidst Russia’s War in Ukraine (p. 17).
George, R. (2023) research cited, and peer reviewer, for UNDP GSNI 2023 Report
George, R. (2023) research cited in United Nations UN Women on Social Norms (p. 58)
George, R. (2022) research cited in UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, UK National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security. Guidance Note (FN 24 and 88)
George, R. (2020) research cited in “‘Time Is A-Wasting’: Making the Case for CEDAW Ratification by the United States.” Article authored by Rangita de Silva de Alwis and Amabassador Melanne Verveer. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law (pp. 36, 55, 58).
George, R. (2019) research cited in Report of the Task Force on U.S. Strategy to Support Democracy and Counter Authoritarianism, Freedom House (FN 37).
George, R. (2015) research cited in U.S. Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, Hearing of the Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights and International Organizations. 114th Congress.